Who is the Chef
In the villages where we work, Italianism at the table is one of our priorities.
Our Italian Chefs reflect quality and excellence, offering a wide range of delicious first courses, putting their proficiency at the service of the entire buffet, in close collaboration with the local staff.
Our Chefs have to be cooperative and adapt to different situations, passing on the Italian flavour and sharing the secrets of our cuisine with international staff.

Good food for Italians is the only thing that matters! The high quality of courses makes the entire holiday better.
Working together with the entertainment team, it would also be useful to study some interesting culinary events, in order to mix local tastes with Italian ones, creating a typical Mediterranean atmosphere.
The Chef is a symbol of our Italian cuisine, the person who will make our guests feel at home, even when they are in the shadow of the Pyramid of Chichen Itza!
Here are some benefits:

- You will cook on the most beautiful beaches in the world
- You will compare yourself with other professionals
- You will learn typical dishes from different nationalities
- Guaranteed fun
The Chef of Stars Be Original
He/She must have experience in culinary schools or academies and must be open-minded and collaborative. A good deal of interest in the food traditions of the places where he/she works will allow him/her to perform best the task, showing off the flair in his/her best dishes.
Foreign languages are very useful for our Chef, who work daily with local and international staff. English, French and/or Spanish are the most requested languages.
Do you want to be a Chef?

The minimum age is 18. There is no maximum age limit, but experience is an advantage for a perfect final result. The role of chef in our villages is in demand during both the winter and summer seasons, so it guarantees excellent work continuity.
You can work 365 days a year in wonderful places with great job satisfaction, take Italian cuisine around the world!
The AlpitourWorld Group is our main partner and the main Italian tour operator in the world, with more than 300 hotel facilities that offer a top quality work experience, as well as an unforgettable personal and professional one.
Why being a Chef in the resorts?
Because cooking and working with people of different nationalities enriches you and is inspiring! Besides… how great can it be, in your downtime, to take off your apron and chef’s hat and take a dip in the world’s most beautiful seas?


- Regular employment contract
- Weekly day free
- Travel, food and lodging
- Accident insurance
- You will be followed throughout your work experience by highly specialized coaches
- Training and update meetings
- Kit Uniform
- Social visibility