Who is the Dancer/ Choreographer
The dancer/choreographer is the main protagonist of the stage and, together with the dancers, he/she is part of the artistic department of the entertainment.
His realm is the theater, although every day at least an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon it is essential that he makes a round of contact with the guests to make himself known and increase the liking on the evening and if there are any daytime activities related to dance ( e.g., Latin American lessons and / or group dances ) are his responsibility always under the directions of the Chief Animator. Also for the evening entertainment, again in collaboration with the Head of Animation, he/she shall edit and stage the evening schedule following the format. He/she also holds the whole part of managing the costumery and stage costumes of each and every staff participating in the evening show.

To become a dancer/choreographer for Stars Be Original, the essential requirement must surely be a strong artistic vein and a strong passion for the world of dance and theater more generally.
You will also need to demonstrate strong leadership and skills in teaching the arts disciplines. Staff are often made up of young people who have never been involved in the world of theater, who have no sense of rhythm or even stage fright. A good choreographer succeeds in conveying his or her passion to others, using the right manner and timing.
You’ll need to make rehearsals, which often sacrifice staff time off, a time of fellowship and fun, turning the kids’ positive and negative emotions into pure energy for the show.

This is a role that requires great humanity, lots of patience and a willingness to teach. Similarly, it is a job that gives the village the technical foundation for a future professional career.
Previous experience in dance schools or academies, along with good organization and versatility, will be crucial factors in achieving an excellent result at the end of the season.
It is often during rehearsals that relationships are fortified and the team spirit that characterizes all the best seasons is created!
Do you want to be a Choreographer?
The Choreographer of Stars Be Original
Having to manage, in some cases, even international staff, knowledge of foreign languages can be very useful. English, French and/or Spanish are the most requested languages.
The Choreographer demonstrates strong artistic skills, not always derived from previous experience in the field, but gained in the village through teaching other choreographers during seasons experienced, for example, by Fitness.

The minimum age is 18. Although you need management skills that are acquired only with a more mature age. There is no maximum age limit, but good physical fitness is necessary.
The role of Choreographer can be seasonal or have an annual continuity. It is especially required in the AlpitourWorld Group work teams. Over 300 hotel facilities where you can work are located in the most remote and fascinating corners of the world: what are you waiting for?
Some benefits:

- You will perform under the starry skies of the world's most beautiful beaches
- Guaranteed fun
- You can meet other extraordinary Superheroes
Why be a choreographer in resorts?
Because there is no better thing than dancing and teaching other kids to dance. An immense joy the theater all standing and you hand in hand with the other kids who have sweated by your side you look at the audience clapping their hands just for you, you are beaming, you touch the sky with one finger…in that moment you don’t want to be anywhere else, in that moment everything is possible, in that moment you are the happiest person in the world!


- Regular employment contract
- Weekly day free
- Travel, food and lodging
- Accident insurance
- You will be followed throughout your work experience by highly specialized coaches
- Training and update meetings
- Kit Uniform
- Social visibility